Magic Charm's Felicity

Born: 27.01.2005







Beautiful Fiona, a lovely daughter of Felicia. She is so like her mother and have the same big dark eyes,

and lovely soft expression.

N DK CH NW-05 -06 Ricksbury Royal Crusader GB Ch Ricksbury Tommy Linjato Ace of Base
AM Ch Ricksbury Royal Captive of Crossbow
GB Ch Ricksbury Royal Temptress  GB Ch Lymrey Royal Scandal of Ricksbury  
Bembridge Smooth'n Sharp to Ricksbury 
INT Nordic CH NW-01 Magic Charm's Felicia NUCH Homerbrent Perry Homerbrent Paprika of Clovisca
Homerbrent Olivia
Ryberget's Fransesca N S Ch Sorata Frank

Delhaze Belinda


8 weeks old

December 2005
